Why Is There A Rise In Black Homeschooling Families

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Black homeschooling families are on the rise because parents are concerned about the quality of schools in the area that they live in. They are worried about reasons such as, peer pressure, drugs and racism at school. These black homeschooling families have other concerns as well, they want to provide their black children with history and social context that is missing from schools.

Many black families believe that taking control on their child’s education is one major way of liberating themselves from systematic racism which they continue to endure up until this day; and I strongly believe the same too.


Plenty of schools fail to emphasize black excellence when educating children. They seem to forget about what Africans and African Americans endured. They also seem to forget about the early accomplishments that were made African and African Americans. As a parent, deciding to homeschool your child means that you have the flexibility to be able to educate your kids how you choose too, by choosing curriculum that aligns with your believes as well as curriculum that is strongly rooted in black history and black culture.

A study in the “Journal of School Choice” which was conducted in 2015 showed that black homeschooled students scored significantly higher on reading and math tests than black students who are enrolled in public schools. Black parents not only homeschool because of the notion that their children will perform better on tests, but also because their black children have a chance to grow and develop in an environment where their self worth is recognized, emphasized and celebrated.


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